Monday, March 13, 2006

Oriental Beijing

Beijing is so different from Shanghai. It has so much culture and flavour still. The people are different, the feeling being in Beijing and being in Shanghai is so different.
北京是很与上海不同。它仍然非常有文化和味道。人民是不同的, 感觉是在北京并且是在上海是很不同的。

Here are some of my favourites pics. the most amazing place i ever been to in beijing is the Great Wall. I always believe, as a chinese, i must climb the Great Wall in my lifetime. i'm glad i have a chance to do that. When i am up at the Great Wall, i suddenly feel so proud of my culture. My fellows ancestors can actually build such an amazing structure.

以下 有 一些我的喜爱 照片。最令人惊讶的地方是 北京的长城 . 。我总相信, 作为华人, 我必须攀登长城, 我是高兴的-我有机会做到在 我的一生 里。当我在长城 上, 我突然为我的 文化 感觉很骄傲。我的祖先能实际上建立这样一个令人惊讶的结构。
Forbidden City

Temple of Heaven. The highlight of the place was under renovation when i was there.

Summer Palace. Highlight of the place was ALSO under renovation.

This day when i'm at this temple- Yong He Gong, it was actually snowing and it was snowing so heavily for about 10mins.This is my 1st time seeing such heavy and beautiful snow.
i'm blessed.
这天当我是在这个寺庙他打锣的雍, 它实际上下着雪并且它下着雪为大约10mins.This 那么沉重是我的第1 次看见我保佑的这样重和美丽的雪。

Youth Hostel (YHA). Its not as good as it was reccomend in the review travel websites .
它不是象那些 介绍 青年 顾旅行网站一样 好。

长城 Great Wall Badaling.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Hangzhou Weekend(17-18Feb) getaway 杭州 周末逃走

Xiao yong and harry has been very kind to bring me for a trip to Hangzhou. It was such an enjoyable and memorial trip, even though its a short one, i had alot of fun and it was relaxing to stop thinking about work for 2 days.

晓勇和李鹏 是非常亲切的, 带 我 到杭州旅行。这是一样令人愉快和 并且纪念 的旅行, 虽然 它 是 短 的, 我有很多 乐趣和 也 放松停止考虑工作2 天。

Lin Ying Si

6 Storey Padago

Xi Hu Lake 西湖

Lei Feng Ta