Saturday, February 18, 2006

Hangzhou Weekend(17-18Feb) getaway 杭州 周末逃走

Xiao yong and harry has been very kind to bring me for a trip to Hangzhou. It was such an enjoyable and memorial trip, even though its a short one, i had alot of fun and it was relaxing to stop thinking about work for 2 days.

晓勇和李鹏 是非常亲切的, 带 我 到杭州旅行。这是一样令人愉快和 并且纪念 的旅行, 虽然 它 是 短 的, 我有很多 乐趣和 也 放松停止考虑工作2 天。

Lin Ying Si

6 Storey Padago

Xi Hu Lake 西湖

Lei Feng Ta