Monday, June 20, 2005

Japan May/June 2005 Hiroshima

Hiroshima was one of my favourite stops in Japan. It gives me a very sub-urban feeling, the pace there is not too fast, nice people. It is also the stop where my camera battery runs out and i had to hunt for a japan charger as my charger cannot work in Japan(voltage 110v)

After checking into my accomodation, the 1st place that i must go is the Peace Musuem Park. This place brings back so much memories of what happen during WW2, especially inside the Peace Musum. I sypmathise with the victims but i felt the whole truth was not spoken, after visiting the musuem.

The Peace Memorial Park was built to commemorate the dropping of the atomic bomb over Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 and to promote a peaceful world. It is located in the area around the atomic explosion's epicenter, and houses the Peace Memorial Museum and many other a-bomb related monuments.

The Peace Memorial Museum graphically displays the atomic bomb's horrible effects on the city and its inhabitants

Children Peace_Mounment (there were many paper cranes at this area)

Atomic_bomb_dome (original building left behind after the atomic bomb)
The Atomic Bomb Dome is one of the few buildings around the explosion's epicenter that partially survived the blast, and the city's only remaining bomb damaged building.

Bell of Peace

Cenotaph - It contains a list of all the people who were killed by the explosion or died due to the bombing's long-term effects such as cancer caused by radiation.

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