Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Japan(again) 2009 - Tokyo

2nd time in Tokyo and it still feel the same(colder this time round). I tried to go to a few different places this time but some places are always worth a 2nd visit.

Akihabara- Largest Plasma TV!
 Akihabara- Tokyo Anime
Aoyama- Honda Welcome Cente
Asimo the Robot
Another pancake making machine in Asakusa.
Cherry Blossoms in bloom... beautiful
A traditional japanese wedding ceremony at Meji Shrine. how cool....!
Odaiba(one of my favourite place)- Dream Bridge....
Odaiba- MegaWeb(iUnit)
Craig's favourite food in Tokyo. Mos Burger and Krispy Kreme.
 Tokyo Stock Exchange. Make sure you sign yourself up for a tour otherwise you have no clue what's going in(unless you are a trader). Quite difficult to find its location too!
very expensive mangos!!
Yokohama-Tin Toy factory. What a gem!
Hmm, that's not made of tin....
view outside my hotel room- toilets of another building!

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