Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Japan(again) 2009 - Tokyo

2nd time in Tokyo and it still feel the same(colder this time round). I tried to go to a few different places this time but some places are always worth a 2nd visit.

Akihabara- Largest Plasma TV!
 Akihabara- Tokyo Anime
Aoyama- Honda Welcome Cente
Asimo the Robot
Another pancake making machine in Asakusa.
Cherry Blossoms in bloom... beautiful
A traditional japanese wedding ceremony at Meji Shrine. how cool....!
Odaiba(one of my favourite place)- Dream Bridge....
Odaiba- MegaWeb(iUnit)
Craig's favourite food in Tokyo. Mos Burger and Krispy Kreme.
 Tokyo Stock Exchange. Make sure you sign yourself up for a tour otherwise you have no clue what's going in(unless you are a trader). Quite difficult to find its location too!
very expensive mangos!!
Yokohama-Tin Toy factory. What a gem!
Hmm, that's not made of tin....
view outside my hotel room- toilets of another building!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Japan(again) 2009 - Sapporo

We only stayed 1 day in Sapporo. there is a 3hr coach that you can catch from Neisko to Sapporo and it stops at the Sapporo bus terminal. We stayed at the Crown Plaza hotel, which can be quite a far walk when its cold and snowing, not to mention wet as well.Sapporo is well known for its ramen, so I have to make sure I had a bowl at the Ramen Alley before I go!

View from the hotel room
Pancake making machine
I have no idea what this means.....

Unfortunately, there was heavy snow fall on the day when we are suppose to fly to Tokyo. The trains are delayed or cancelled. When we reach the airport, all flights are suspended and we had to wait in the terminal for 5hours. And there's nothing much to eat in the waiting hall(other than cold bento boxes with very ridiculous prices). So the camera is put into good use.

Train view: people clearing their snow piled driveway.

Pokemon plane! that's cool!
Look at the Q for checking in.
1st flight delay for 6hours!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Japan(again) 2009 - Neisko

Neisko is cool, its cold and its bloody expensive! to make things worse, I injured my ankle on the 2nd day on the ski trip....which means I have to limp around for the remaining 4days!

Food wise, they are scatttered everywhere, so you can walk to different places to have a meal or catch the free shuttle bus. The ski resort is packed with locals and Aussies!There's apartments and lodges everywhere, so you don't have to worry about accomodation, its a matter of pricing and if you want to share the toilet and bath with strangers.

Snow wise, its definately powder like...but only right at the top and not the lower ski slopes. (Craig says so....)

Nice view from the ski slopes
after a night of heavy snowing, that's how deep my feet sink into.
Accomodation- Kogen Hotel (Tiny room!)
Ski Slopes
vending machines for cigarettes..how UNcool.
Night view from hotel room.
Heavy snow one night..