Sunday, May 08, 2011

2011 April Hong Kong (Day 4)

24 April 2011 Easter Sunday

This morning we headed off to the History Museum. It is within walking distance from the hotel, about 15-20mins walk. There is free an English guided tour that starts at 10.30am on Sat and Sunday. I would highly recommend the tour (we had a very good guide) to anyone unless you prefer to take your own time. There is so much to see and we cover 2 floors of exhibit in 1.5hrs. The museum covers from dinosaurs years to cavemen years to the Hong Kong today. We also have free entry to the 1911 revolution exhibit. No photography allowed in most parts of the exhibits (I forgot to charge my camera batteries anyway.......)

Today is our last day in hong kong so we just want to take it really easy. Craig had his last pancake from the famous shop.

We wonder back to the hotel and spend the rest of the afternoon in the hotel, enjoying it's pool and jacuzzi pool. The pool overlooks the harbor and it's always maintained at a warm 28degrees temperature (so I was informed)

Later that evening, we are surprise to see a lovely gesture from the hotel.
Yummy Easter Eggs!

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