Sunday, May 08, 2011

2011 April Hong Kong (Day 5)

25 April 2011 Monday

Today we leave the polluted Hong Kong (hardly see any blue sky during our trip)

It was a mad rush trying to pack everything and check out by 10.30am. We took a taxi from the hotel to the Kowloon Airport Express Train station. Because we used all our HKD to pay the hotel stay, we were left with just nice to take a take and buy train tickets. The taxi ride is about 38HKD (the driver wanted us to take the ride all the way to the airport but we told him we don't have enough cash).

Surprisingly the one way train ticket cost lesser than I thought, so after returning our Octopus card to purchase the train tickets, we are still left some with extra cash (woohoo!)

Hong Kong airport is huge and there's many shops to look at , so make sure you give yourself plenty of time if you want to do some last minute shopping.

Home sweet home.

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